
Coaxpress frame grabber
Coaxpress frame grabber

coaxpress frame grabber

  • 2 singled-ended TTL inputs/outputs (TTLIO).
  • State of all System I/O lines sampled at the event occurrence time.
  • The last three 32-bit context data words of the event context data can be configured with event-specific context data:.
  • Each custom event is associated with a 32-bit counter that counts the number of occurrences.
  • Standard event: the EVENT_NEW_BUFFER event notifies the application of newly filled buffers.

    The application software can be notified of the occurrence of various events:.Monochrome 12-bit to 8-, 12- or 16-bit transformations.Monochrome 10-bit to 8-, 10- or 16-bit transformations.Monochrome 8-bit to 8-bit transformation.Unpacking of 10-/12-/14-bit to 16-bit with selectable justification to LSb or MSb.

    coaxpress frame grabber

  • Rate Converter tool for fine control of the pixel aspect ratio: Rate Conversion Ratio in the range 0.001 to 1000 with an accuracy better than 0.1%.
  • Support for quadrature motion encoders, with programmable noise filters, selection of acquisition direction and backward motion compensation.
  • Support of infinite acquisition, without missing line, for web inspection applications.
  • Support of external hardware trigger, with optional delay.
  • Precise control of start-of-scan and end-of-scan triggers.
  • Support of early and late strobe pulses.
  • Accurate control of the strobe position for strobed light sources.
  • Support of external hardware trigger, with optional delay and trigger decimation.
  • Support of camera exposure/readout overlap.
  • Precise control of asynchronous reset cameras, with exposure control.
  • BayerXX8, BayerXX10, BayerXX12, BayerXX14, BayerXX16 where XX = GR, RG, GB, or BG.
  • Grayscale and color (RGB and Bayer CFA).
  • A +12V power source must be connected to the AUXILIARY POWER INPUT connector using a 6-pin PEG cable.
  • PoCXP Device detection and automatic power-on.
  • One CoaXPress Host connection status LED per connection One micro-BNC 75 Ohms (also known as HD-BNC™) CXP-12 11.5 W (3 W 3.3 V + 8.5 W 12 V), excluding camera and I/O power output


  • 5.0 GT/s (PCIe 2.0) with reduced performanceģ,350 MB/s (Host PC motherboard dependent).
  • 1 lane or 2 lanes with reduced performance.
  • 3-pin 1-row 0.1" header or 2-way DIP switch.
  • 12 VDC power input for PoCXP camera(s) and I/O power.
  • coaxpress frame grabber

  • 26-pin 2-row 0.05" pitch pin header with shrouding.
  • 26-pin 2-row 0.1" pitch pin header with shrouding.
  • 15-pin 3-row high-density female sub-D connector.
  • coaxpress frame grabber

    Delivered with standard- and low-profile brackets for insertion in a standard- or a low-profile chassis.For insertion in a 4-lane or higher, PCI Express card slot.Low profile, half length, 4-lane PCI Express card It divides the frequency of the incoming encoder signal by a programmable integer. A Rate Divider allows the camera to acquire lines at a resolution lower than the resolution of the motion encoder.This gives the designer incredible freedom and flexibility during the development of the application. A Rate Converter allows the camera to acquire lines at any programmable resolution lower or higher than the resolution of the motion encoder.The line acquisition automatically resumes when the motion is again in the forward direction, at the exact place where the acquisition was interrupted. A feature called Backward Motion Cancellation stops the acquisition when a backward motion is detected.Optionally, the Coaxlink board can be instructed to acquire lines only when the object is moving forward or only when the object is moving backward.The Coaxlink boards interpret A/B signals from quadrature motion encoders to know in which direction (forward or backward) the part is moving.When the parts move slower, the acquisition line rate of the camera decreases. When the parts move faster, the acquisition line rate of the camera increases. The Coaxlink frame grabber controls the camera scanning rate based on the signals received from a motion encoder.

    Coaxpress frame grabber